I love this time of year. The anticipation for something fresh and new begins to creep in. Hints of spring flirt with your heart and you have to look twice or you'll miss noticing that some perennials are budding. I was so thankful for such a moderate winter this year. We had nothing to complain about. But there is something so promising and hopeful about being able to open up all the windows, sweep off the porch, and rake up the leaves. Tiny green blades of grass are crowding out the crud that is left behind. The evergreens in all their faithfulness stay truly green throughout the winter and I am thankful for their loyal companionship. Tiny sprouts are popping up around the yard full of life waiting to burst. I just know that any day now the same robin that has nested on our front porch will return once again for our third annual ritual of nesting. If only I could set up some formal invitation for her to know that she is more than welcome to live with us. Maybe an extra pile of twigs or seeds on the front porch? Yesterday was our first family day outside. Our neighbor girls came over to play with the kids. Our kids are in heaven when all these blonde girls come swarming around. They are so good with the kids and it gives mommy a few moments of time to fold laundry
Cruz will do anything that they remotely suggest. He thinks he's just as big as they are.Wren is finally big enough to get in on the action this year. Of course, she wouldn't allow herself to be excluded anyways.
Mommy was all out of the wands for the bubbles. Our super creative neighbor mommy sent over some kitchen utensils to try using.
The cheese grater was deceptive. It looked like it would produce lots of bubbles, fail.
Wren thought she'd eat them instead.
The cookie cutters were awesome, if the wind was still enough.
Occasionally the wind would blow one right back at you
The older girls climbed up the evergreens.... looks like I know what Cruz will try to do next.
Cruz decided to try the bubbles out himself. It was a great occupational therapy session.
He just couldn't quite get those lips to blow.
He did love giving 'Boots' a bath. That monkey got dipped about a hundred times.
Daddy raked up the leaves...
Frank was in heaven
The air became cooler as the sun faded and the wind picked up. No naps led to meltdowns and completely overtired kids. The fresh air had been just that. fresh. new. full of hope for the spring and summer that are just down the road.
The kids were reluctantly dragged inside to get off the dirty clothes, wipe up their faces, scrape dog poop off their shoes, blow their noses...
and cuddle with mommy on the couch. Those moments are few and far between, but for this chilly season they are my favorite. Once spring and summer come I'm sure we'll make some new favorite moments together.
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